Garden update

2016-03-26 14.31.09 HDR

The garden currently doesn’t have much in it. The lettuce, radishes, and beets have just barely started to sprout. Other things – green beans, tomatoes, soybeans, and kohlrabi – I’ve started inside.  But there is a master plan! Soon this baby will be all filled up.

Here’s the plan and a little update on where each square stands.

2013.03.27 Garden status

Kholrabi sprouts aren’t holding up too well. Even with a grow light, they’re wilting and not growing straight. I’ll put them outside soon and hopefully they’ll perk up.

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On the left are zinnia sprouts, which are holding up really well.

2016-03-26 14.27.16 HDR

The parsley is from the garden center. I kept it inside for about a week because of some frosty nights, and it got a little wilted. Hopefully it will perk up now that it’s in its real home.

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Asparagus! I planted this early last year. You’re not supposed to pick them the first year, so this will be the first time I get to enjoy it! Sadly, there are only two spears between the two plants so far.

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The lettuce is coming out slowly but surely… here’s one tiny sprout!

2016-03-25 07.51.50

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The radishes are winning “Best Sprout” this week! Almost all the seeds I planted have popped up in nice little rows.

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Teeny tiny basil coming out.

2016-03-21 23.54.02

I planted a bunch of tomatoes inside. They’re currently living on top of a radiator up stairs so they’ll sprout faster. 

2016-03-21 23.45.41

2016-03-26 14.32.08 HDR

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