
2015-06-11 09.04.46

Joan of Arc – pretty proud of her!

Hello, world! Welcome to The District Sprouts.

I’m a young professional living in northwest DC. Most of my time in the district has been spent in college dorms and basement apartments, but in 2015 I moved into a place that has, at least by DC standards, a lot of green space! High on the sunlight, my husband and I decided to install a raised bed garden. Two days and 75 trips to Home Depot later, we were ready to start planting.

I grew up in the south to a long line of gardeners, so I suppose it may be in my blood, but at this point I’m very much an armature, experimenting to see what works well for me. So by all means, please comment and give me your tips!

Here are some things about me, so you know what you’re getting in to. I really like flowers with lots of petals, puns and hyperbole, outdoor bars, tomatoes, bread and cheese, travel, cooking when there’s time to cook, and Excel spreadsheets. I dislike buzzwords, low fat ice cream, cooking when there’s no time to cook, dust, mosquitoes, and DC traffic.